
1) Inside Higher Ed
This is a great source of content for anyone in higher education, including those looking for jobs. They have sections including Admissions, Books, Technology, Career Advice, and Diversity. They also offer a number of webinars and research in the higher ed space. Their most recent study was on Federal Accountability and Financial Pressure which surveyed college and university presidents.
2) The Learning Network 
This blog is under the New York Times umbrella. Their main audiences are teachers, students, and parents that want to use the NYTs content as inspiration for teaching materials. Teachers can use the section "Text to text" as lesson plans in areas such as American History, Civics, Current Events, and Social Studies.
Students can also comment on stories in the Student Opinion section, as long as they're 13 years or older. 
3) Edutopia
Edutopia is part of The George Lucas Educational Foundation. The blog's focus is on k-12 educators and students. It's two main purposes are to produce content that improves learning and engages students and to "collaborate with researchers, teachers, and curriculum experts" to advance the field of project-based learning.
Recent content includes topics like "How to Help Adolescents Online Evaluation" and "Teaching K-8 Finanical Literacy: A Case Study."

