Here is a basic syllabus for a spoken English course. This syllabus can be customized based on the specific needs and level of the students. The course assumes no prior knowledge of English.Course Title: Basic Spoken English CourseCourse Duration: 12 weeks (1 session per week)Course Objectives:1. Develop basic speaking skills in English.2. Improve pronunciation and intonation.3. Expand vocabulary and knowledge of common English phrases.4. Enhance listening comprehension skills.5. Build confidence in using English in everyday conversations.Week 1: Introduction to Spoken EnglishGreetings and introductionsBasic conversation skillsPronunciation practiceWeek 2: Personal InformationTalking about oneselfFamily backgroundHobbies and interestsWeek 3: Daily RoutinesDescribing daily activitiesTime expressionsPresent simple tenseWeek 4: Food and OrderingVocabulary related to foodOrdering food in a restaurant or caféRole-playing restaurant scenariosWeek 5: Shopping and NumbersVocabulary related to shoppingBargaining and negotiating pricesNumbers and countingWeek 6: Directions and TransportationAsking for and giving directionsUsing public transportationVocabulary related to transportationWeek 7: Describing People and PlacesPhysical appearanceDescribing locations and landmarksAdjectives and adverbsWeek 8: Talking about Past ExperiencesPast simple tenseTalking about past events and experiencesSharing personal anecdotesWeek 9: Making Plans and InvitationsExpressing future plansMaking invitations and respondingUsing modals for suggestions and offersWeek 10: Health and Daily LifeDiscussing health issues and symptomsTalking about daily routinesGiving advice and suggestionsWeek 11: Socializing and Small TalkEngaging in small talkDiscussing current eventsSharing opinions and experiencesWeek 12: Review and PracticeReviewing previous topicsRole-playing various scenariosFinal assessment and feedbackNote: This syllabus is a general outline and can be adjusted based on the pace and progress of the students. It is also recommended to incorporate various speaking activities, group discussions, listening exercises, and interactive tasks throughout the course to provide a well-rounded learning experience.

This includes following
  •  60 Videos
  •  60 Chapter
  •  Duration:3 Month
  •  85 hour
  •  Certificate : Yes
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